Sunday, June 12, 2011


     During a "sleep over" at Aunt Merv's house the other night my 4, soon to be 5 yr old nephew and I were looking at a map of Kansas. Trying to figure out if there were storms coming our direction before going to bed. He pointed to a spot just behind the little "a" at the end of Concordia and said .... "this is where I live"! When I asked him how he knew that he says "My Mommy told me!"  I must have smiled and said something like "Well, you have a smart Mommy!" He looked at me and replied,  "Yeah I know she's AWESOME because she knows EVERYTHING!!" Yes Sis, you are a hero in your little boy's eyes!!! 
     The thing that has been crossing my mind since then is this. How many people are we "heroes" to? How many people can look at us and think "WOW" that person just made my day, week, month or even the whole year by some small  or big gesture? I know there are many days when a smile, unexpected hug, text or calming touch has made my day sooooo much better and yes in my eyes you are my "hero". My kids are AWESOME at being my "heroes"! They always seem to know when I need it the most!  I do believe God knows when and where to place the  little things to make our day! God is ALWAYS my "hero"...because of Him I know for sure I have eternal life, but we can be "heroes" to so many people without even really trying to the kind word, small smile or tender touch....until next time... Merv


  1. What a great reminder Merv! That little nephew sure is a special kid!

  2. Yes he is and we love him to pieces!!!
