Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Just breathe...

     Christmas is almost upon us, all the waiting, planning, what food, what gift, running here, running there, lights, trees, decorations, wrappings and boxes. All in the "extra" time we  have so much of! Maybe you have more of it than I do, but I doubt it. When the day finally arrives it seems to fly by so quickly, too quickly. Family has come, unwrapped, ate, played, and visited, then it's done, gone, over for another year.
      I have wondered about Mary and how she traveled on donkey back for days and nights, miles and miles. I can imagine her very anxiously waiting, and wondering. Did she get impatient, (she was human and pregnant)? Did she know what was to come of this child she was carrying, did she wonder how they would care for this child or did she leave it all in God's hands!
     Yes, the waiting and the planning as we still do today! I wonder if her days flew as quickly by as ours do?
Maybe she didn't wonder and worry and plan, because she knew who was in total and complete control, and who had The Plan.
      Take the time to relax, breathe, remember the reason for CHRISTmas, attend CHRISTmas Day church service, join in singing the songs telling the world of our Lord's birth, listen to the carols, enjoy the family that will be leaving again all to soon, slow down, give the hugs, kisses and say the "I love you's"!! Don't get caught up in all the wrappings, food, and planning. 
Remember the reason for the season....  
God's blessings and Merry CHRISTmas!!  

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